How Beneficial Are Book Fairs For Publishing Industry?

Publishing is a lot about marketing and advertising and for that, you do need to have a market where you can talk business and that’s what book fairs are for, real trade! You get business and you get visibility, what else do you want? So, precisely, book fairs actually highlight your work as a publisher… Continue reading How Beneficial Are Book Fairs For Publishing Industry?

Books Shape the Primary Years of a Child

Do you know, 90 per cent of a child’s brain is developed by the age of five? That means, his rate of development is highest during these formative or primary years. Whatever they learn at this stage goes on to stay with them for a lifetime. And, so what they listen to, speak and READ… Continue reading Books Shape the Primary Years of a Child

Team Building: The Life Line For A Corporate Leader

They say, “It’s the Captain who sails the ship”. I say, it’s the whole crew, but under the leadership of the Captain. So, a leader can’t really perform if his team does not collectively work as an entity and identify the collective goal. According to me, it’s easy to get good players, but getting them… Continue reading Team Building: The Life Line For A Corporate Leader

Indian Publishing Industry: Then, Now, Next

Relaxation is best when you have a pillow behind, a coffee steaming cup beside and your favourite mid-night novel right in front, happily flipped through as you doze by! Ever wondered about the history or for that matter, future of publishing industry in India? Publishing dates back to June 1884 when The Indian Press established… Continue reading Indian Publishing Industry: Then, Now, Next

Planning the Management of a Company – Part 2

Finance Most business plans linger to this function because they are written to obtain loans or investments as well as for forecasting and budget. As money is the blood that feeds the company, a business operator must always know his assessment of financial health. It must therefore rely on a realistic forecast of cash flows… Continue reading Planning the Management of a Company – Part 2

Planning the Management of a Company – Part 1

Starting a business is no easy task. You need to plan step-by-step and action accordingly to make it happen. Paying attention to minutest detail in your business plan is very important. So what is this business plan which according to most of the experts is the first step towards setting up a business. Contrary to… Continue reading Planning the Management of a Company – Part 1

Top 10 Rules to Successfully Take Over Family Business

“I am not sure if I am an entrepreneur by chance or by design. What I know is I love every minute of it.” That’s how I started narrating my story of taking over the family business, in my first blog. With whatever I have learnt in my stint till now, I would love to… Continue reading Top 10 Rules to Successfully Take Over Family Business

Do’s and Don’ts for Budding Entrepreneurs

Most of us have an entrepreneur hidden in ourselves. Once in a while we all come up with business ideas that could very well be the next Facebook or Flipkart. If you are one such individual who has just entered the entrepreneurial world or is thinking about it, here’s a quick list of do’s and… Continue reading Do’s and Don’ts for Budding Entrepreneurs

The Journey Towards Being An Error Free Writer

No writer is error proof. There are numerous mistakes ranging from grammatical to typo that occur frequently in various written articles, novels etc. As a publisher, I come across many errors that could and should have been avoided or corrected. From my experience, I will list down a few mistakes that are common and some… Continue reading The Journey Towards Being An Error Free Writer

Dream Come True!

Once upon a time, not very long ago, I happened to come across an interview of Vikram Seth. In that interview, he said something that struck a chord in me unlike any other. He said and I quote, “Increasingly of late and particularly when I drink, I find my thoughts drawn into the past rather… Continue reading Dream Come True!

The Academic Publishing Storm

At the outset let me begin by saying that I am no expert when it comes to commenting on the education system here in India. However, that besides, I am a publisher and because of the storm that kicked up due to the copyright infringement suit filed against a certain ‘Rameshwari Photocopy’, it becomes pertinent… Continue reading The Academic Publishing Storm

So You Want To Write A Book? – Part 2

From Inception to Publication – The Novel Journey Last time I listed down seven pointers that should help an aspiring writer in the process of starting and completing a book. What happens once your book is complete? Get it published, of course! So, I’ll familiarize you with certain aspects of the publishing process that you… Continue reading So You Want To Write A Book? – Part 2

So You Want To Write A Book? – Part 1

From Inception to Publication – The Novel Journey Most writers or voracious readers have something against life. That something usually stems from the realization that life does not take the dramatic turns which the characters in books are blessed or cursed with. Life seems dull, routine and conventional. However, at some point in our lives… Continue reading So You Want To Write A Book? – Part 1

E-Commerce in India

The e-commerce model works on four parts- the consumer, searching products online, making payment and delivery. While the idea of shopping at your convenience is fast catching on in India and the Indian online consumer base is growing rapidly; there is still a long way to go as compared to the western markets. A study… Continue reading E-Commerce in India

Ebooks: The Future or the Next Step

In US and UK the ebook fad is expected to generate 50% of the total revenue for the publishing industry by 2016. The major markets for books are quickly turning digital without encroaching on the standard books market. “This growing trend of e-books’, says Ananth Padmabhusan, VP for sales at Penguin India, ‘will not cannibalize… Continue reading Ebooks: The Future or the Next Step

FDI: Boon or Bane?

Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) – A term that has been dominating the news TV channels, Parliament, dinner-table discussions, heated debates between intellectuals and most of all the mind of common man, since past few weeks. It concerns me to see the amount of ruckus and distrust the approval of FDI has caused in the nation.… Continue reading FDI: Boon or Bane?

Publishing Industry in India – A Sneak Peek

The publishing industry in India today has come of age. The first and foremost indication of that is the long list of Indian writers who have suddenly appeared on the horizon. We are witnessing a period like never before. More books are being published than ever before and it’s fairly easier for the debut novel… Continue reading Publishing Industry in India – A Sneak Peek